Each market, we identify the best of the best visual merchandising from our exhibitors and award them with one of our coveted "Best Visual Display Awards." We asked the June 2019 winners to share their secrets to creating stunning displays, and now they're ready to share their advice with the world!
Keep reading to learn how these Dallas Market Center experts WOW their customers, and how you can too:
The best possible visual merchandising tip I can provide is to go into the project with a complete plan for what your vision and goals are for a total showroom - or even just a wall within the showroom. Everything planned in great detail - leads to great visual merchandising. Good visual presentation doesn’t happen by chance, but by planning for success.
David Gebhart, CEO, Global Views
I choose to arrange two new license designers at the front entrance choosing wall colors to compliment collections along with using recycled props. Creating vignettes to make more of an experience throughout the showroom.
Becky Brown, Visual Designer, Transpac
When planning a display we like to do things that make the customer “look twice” be it a VW bus in the showroom or giant butterflies on the windows. For the past show in Dallas we used oversized adhesive butterflies on the window and floor of the showroom and even had the butterflies “flying” up the walls around the window and entrance to the showroom. Scale and movement are important for an eye catching display.
We like to make our displays approachable yet dramatic and fantasy is very important. While a beautiful room setting can show the product perfectly fine, we like to interject a bit of fantasy into our displays and show another dimension to the product.
Mark Ross, VP Creative Director, Two's Company

Create impactful displays that enhance the product and help "tell the story" you are trying to convey. Bigger is better, especially if you have a large store! Small display moments often get lost with the product.
With product merchandising, think about ways that color-blocking/texture/scale come into effect; find a product “narrator” that helps bring seemingly unlike product together in an interesting, inspirational way. Playing with heights and utilizing risers or larger items on surfaces will help create a more engaging, dynamic table display.
Becky Hills, Visual Merchandising Director, Accent Decor
Incorporate unexpected design elements into your merchandising to help tell a story. Bring in textiles to soften, backgrounds to define areas, and pay extra attention to details. Displaying an object in a different way can give it new life and create another look altogether.
Experiment by actually moving things around, try out different groupings and mix it up a bit. You might be happily surprised by the outcomes.
Creativity is fostered by freedom. Let the concept guide the process, but then don’t be afraid to relax and go with the flow. That’s when the real magic happens.
Robert Germain, Visual Creative Director, IMAX Worldwide Home
To learn more about how you can visit these stunning showrooms in person, visit the Dallas Market Center website.