Warmer weather? Check. Updated facilities? Yes. Eager buyers and new exhibitors? You bet.
When WESA makes its move to Dallas in time for the January 2021 show, there will be important changes inside an updated marketplace serving buyers from around the country.
First and foremost, the Dallas experience will be supported by business opportunities as big as the Lone Star State. For exhibitors, that means joining a dominant trading center that welcomes more buyers from more store types seeking new products. The result? Serving their core customer plus new accounts. Recognizing this opportunity, the Dallas momentum is already underway as manufacturers anticipate the first WESA show in Dallas via temporary space or permanent showrooms available throughout the year.
“It’s truly the customer service and business expansion opportunities that set Dallas apart,” said Cindy Morris, president and CEO of Dallas Market Center. “As a family-owned business our values are shared by WESA: operating with integrity, creating an inspiring market experience, and driving better business opportunities. Together we have more than 160 years of combined experience bringing buyers and sellers together.”
Gerald Adame, president of WESA added: “The central location, the Dallas facilities, the services, and the marketing support will all help WESA members serve existing customers and offer the ability to reach more new customers.”
For Beth Cross, CEO of Ariat International, the value is clear: “We believe the partnership between WESA and the Dallas Market Center represents a terrific opportunity for our retail partners. Dallas Market Center is a world-class facility and is committed to attracting new brands to the western market.”
For buyers visiting from around the country, the benefits of the show in Dallas include low travel costs, two nearby airports, plentiful hotels, hundreds of restaurants, and lively local entertainment. Inside the facility, retailers will discover a friendly and complete marketplace that’s easy to navigate and best suited to their changing merchandise mix. As consumers demand more unique products, retailers look to Dallas Market Center as their number one destination to discover lifestyle products across the spectrum including apparel and accessories, gifts, home décor and more. With the addition of tack, equipment, workwear and safetywear, the Dallas marketplace will be the most complete marketplace in North America.
Cavender’s vice president of merchandising and planning Jackie Randall put it plainly: “No other marketplace has the facilities, the staff, and the support services to create large-scale events that serve the retailer quite like Dallas Market Center. We have enjoyed working with them, and retailers deserve the commitment to the customer found in Dallas. We are thrilled.”
Serving customers together. Creating an enhanced market experience. Welcoming the top manufacturers and sales reps in Dallas to meet with the best retailers. For the entire business community, the launch of WESA shows in Dallas in 2021 will help support business for the long-term in a highly competitive environment. Together, Dallas Market Center and WESA can serve more customers, build more business, and help everyone succeed.