Dallas Market Center | Blog

Your Safety is a DMC Priority

Written by Dallas Market Center | April 8, 2024

When you go to a show or market at the Dallas Market Center, we know you’re there to buy and sell the latest merchandise in fashion and home, see the trends and catch up with friends and business partners. But we also know you want to do it under the safest and most secure conditions.


That’s why safety has been and always will be a key priority for the Market Center and we’re stepping up our efforts even more to make sure your time here is a great experience.

That’s a little bit easier because we’re in Dallas. According to the most recent Gallup poll, Dallas ranked as the safest large city in the country. As Dallas residents, we’re pretty proud of that.

And DMC is doing its part. You’ll hear very soon that we are adding a new head of Protective Services to our team here. Our new hire has 15 years’ experience with the Dallas Police Department and will be a terrific leader of our overall safety efforts. Watch for more details very soon.

Those ongoing efforts include a multitude of measures, some of which you’ll see when you visit our campus...and some of which you may not notice at all. And that’s by design, we want our safety and security to blend in with everything going on here.

What you will see, of course, is our uniformed law enforcement members who are here daily. They police the buildings, the parking lots and decks and the grounds 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We even have officers on horseback – this is Texas, after all – patrolling the campus in addition to those on foot and in motorized vehicles.

What you may not notice is the extensive network of cameras and eyes in the sky that provide an extra measure of security. Next time you’re walking around, just look up wherever you are and chances are you’ll spot one. These are monitored by our protective services folks, giving one more layer of security.

We all know the world is unpredictable these days and many things are beyond our control but we feel good about providing a safe and secure experience anytime and every time you’re at the Dallas Market Center.