Remember when the Christmas shopping season officially kicked off on Thanksgiving Weekend with the archaic and ridiculously named Black Friday feeding frenzy? That’s a quaint concept now when the season has been pulled forward weeks and even months into the fall – and even earlier.
So, as you would expect, certain zip codes in California and New York have among the highest costs of living based on property values but there are a few outliers that could surprise you. And California clearly is the top dog in these rankings, far outpacing the other 49 states: 15 of the top 20 zip codes are in the state and it fills in the rest of the list nicely. Other multi-location zips are in New York (six) and New Jersey (six) with fewer entries in Massachusetts, Washington, Florida, Maryland and Arizona.
Curiously, three zip codes in Newport Beach, Ca made the list, though the priciest area was further north in the Bay Area. No zip codes in Texas cracked the Top 100.
The rankings are from real estate platform PropertyShark which has been doing this annually for years, based on the median sale price of homes in that zip code. It may be an arbitrary way to look at the cost of living but it does shed some real insight into where America’s wealth is.
So, here’s the Top 10:
So, are you living in one of these zip codes?